Saturday, March 11, 2006

Growing up doesn't always mean ...

I wanna tackle something this afternoon.


I'm sick and tired of lies affecting the people i love. And i'm even more angered by the fact that most of the lies are completely preposterous.

I've been sitting back watching people crumple to the ground for far to long. And so have you. Plain and simple. Any where from 60-99% of people reading this (and if it's just me, then congratulations i've hit 100%) have been right beside me in this respect.
I'm going to being absolutely bold and say this: "It starts with YOU..."

Here's where we've gone wrong.
Mark 12:30,31 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your stength. The second is this 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."

I'm not pointing towards verse 30, i'm pointing towards verse 31. Love your neighbor as yourself. We have not been loving ourselves. Plain and simple, from the very reality of why things in this world are the way they are, we have not learned to love ourselves. It starts with YOU...
If God wanted us to love everyone else, and then deal with our issues later, he would have said "love your neighbor..." end of your neighbor, but he didn't. I believe Jesus was trying to hit on a very serious point here of "where is your love for yourself?".

God's focus is not who He loves through you, it's that He loves YOU.
the great commandment is 3 commandments not 2.
It's - Love God, Love Yourself, Love Your Neighbor

It's a known fact you can't give someone something that you yourself do not have. I can not give someone a 20bill when i haven't a 20bill in my pocket. I can't love someone, if i don't know how to love myself.

This is a harsh statement simply because if i look at my own life honestly, I will quickly see that i do NOT love myself at all. In fact, there's a very serious reality that i very much dislike myself.
Yet, I turn around and for all the things I dislike abut myself, i tell the people around me that i love, and even the people around me that i don't know, the exact opposite i believe for my own life. This covers ALL area's of my life, and i know a very large group of people this affects.

I believe no one will love me because of my weight and the fact that i think i'm ugly. plain and simple.
YET, i will look at someone, with all sincerity in my heart, with complete conviction and love and tell them that this is NOT the case for their lives, that they are NOT ugly, that there is no such thing as ugly except evil, and that they are created in the image of God, the perfect form of beauty and glory.
Trust me, i just looked this up. In the NIV, the NASB, and the Amplified versions of the Bible the world UGLY is mentioned in Genesis about the dream involving the "gaunt and UGLY cows" that represented the 7 year famin over Egypt. And in the NIV it jumps to Revelation about one of the bowls that is poured over the earth and 'UGLY sores break out all over the people'. The NASB and Amplified stick just to revelation, and the KJV doesn't have the word UGLY in it once, not even one (1) time.
So you tell me that you are ugly with a straight face....there's no such thing.

But for my own life, i will tell you very plainly with honesty and most times a tear in my eye, that i think i'm ugly. That the world's basis for beauty is in looks, and looks define a person's beauty, and the fact that overweight, and size do NOT = beauty. Yet, i can look at someone bigger than eye and see absolute beauty. How sick is that.

I have a friend, whom will remain nameless, who is incredibly attractive, beautiful and lovely in all ways, turn to me one day and say, "i caught myself say the other day 'I must just come to the terms and agreement that I am not attractive, that I am not beautiful."
From any stand point i'm going to say "correction, not even close to being true..." and even from the worlds deffinition of beautiful this person is absoltuely gorgeous, yet somewhere deep in her heart was sitting this thought "i'm not attractive, i need to just get to that conclusion and stick with it, cause nothing good will happen."

Why have people allowed this sort of 'truth' to be just floating around in our heads. More importantly, why is the church standing by and doing oh so little about it.

I'm sick of hearing story after story of people being addicted to pornography because they don't believe there will ever be anyone that will love them, so what's the point, let's stair into the eyes of someone who the world has told me is beautiful, and bring whatever satisfaction i can out of it.

I'm tired of hearing people say they aren't beautiful, i'm tired of people being alone, i'm tired of people having so many questions in their heart based on the fact that they have suffered rejection at the hands of a person who is only acting out of their lonely and hurt behaviour.

Tell me do we combat this? Other than hijacking every major radio/video station in the world and getting the 'message' out there...which won't work anyways because people are completely brainwashed into believeing the lies. Trust me, i'm sitting here speaking truth, but i don't believe it for myself.

I don't say these things to condemn those who don't have love for themselves. I say these things because there's got to be an answer, there's God to be a time when we can stand up and say " I AM GOOD".... "I am good because God made me that way, and when He made me he said 'ROB IS GOOD' and He screamed it from the top of His lungs and all of heaven has been echoing that truth since before the dawn of time..."

When will the time come when i hear the echo from behind me "you are ugly" and i turn around and look that beast in the face and stair it down, with complete confidnece in my heart and mind and scream deeply into this thing "BACK THE F***OFF, YOU KNOW WHO I AM"

When will the church get fierce...

Jesus said, "ALL authority has been given to me..."
If someone has ALL of something, then what does the other guy have?....NOTHING
there can't be ALL +'s ALL and NOTHING

Jesus lives in me, and allows me to opperate in His authority because he has called me a friend, a brother, a lover... The only authority the enemy has, is the authority that we give him. ALL authority means ALL authority, not, Jesus went into hell, took all the keys back BUT doesn't work like that...
Let's drop that idea of the enemy having power, he does not have his own power, he can only work through the power that we give him.

So here's the thing.


I am beautiful. You know why I am beautiful? Because God made me that way, because i was made in His image, and in God is ALL beauty and ALL pleasure and ALL glory, and He lives inside of me.
I am lovely. You know why I am lovely? Because God made me that way, because God made me and said "you are lovely". He made me with a sense of humour that brings smiles to more people than i know, He gave me courage and boldness, He gave me ears that hear and eyes that see where He is so that i can bring His presence into the reality of this world.
I am powerful. You know why i am powerful? Because God made me to be powerful. Because God said "Rob, I have called you to be a powerhouse, I have called you to stand up for the people of this world, stand up and grow bigger than the world told you that you would get, grow bigger than the people around you said you would be....I've built you to bring My very Kingdom."
I am a son....I am a son because Jesus Christ died on the cross, because he turned to me in my time of need, my time of desperation and cried out of His heart "I LOVE YOU..." and then he died. And time and time again he comes to me and cries out of His heart these very words that bring me life, the very words that bring depth to my existence.

Here's the best part...

SO ARE YOU......

believe it, it's time to, because if we don't, this world keeps going downhill.

I got to much to do to be hindered by just another lie...

-Robert Moses Augi-

1 comment:

Ash said...

You are beautiful
You are lovely
You are powerful and
You are a son.