Thursday, July 07, 2005

world tragedy...personal victory

Guarenteed 90% of people that have a blog and decide to post today will mention something about the attack in the streets of London England today. Some will say "damn those terrorists", others "the british deserved it", "and the war continues", "chalk up another 37 needless deaths" and so on and so on. People will take the side of the western world, people will take the side of the 'perpetrators', even though there is no solid confirmation as to who did this attack. Oh sure the "The Secret Group of al Qaeda of Jihad Organization in Europe" claimed responsibility on, but there is no clear information as to who really did this.
If this was 'terrorists' as they've been dubbed, it's interesting to see how much media this thing is instantly getting and the fact that these things happen in the middle east almost daily, and nothing is said. A good friend of mine and myself were talking this morning and had a good point that in Iraq, Afghanastan and other middle eastern countries that the 'war on terrorism' has been added to can only view the British and the American's as terrorists themselves. This 'war' has been a campaign to make other countries resemble that of the western world. who said our society was working all that great in the first place? (but that's a rabbit trail i'm going to try and NOT run down) Anbody check the definition of a terrorism lately?
Terrorism :

The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.
The nations of the world in this campaign against terrorism are themselves acting quite terroristic (is that a word). I'm not sure how this would work, but say I live in the middle east and don't speak much or any english (i'm not saying they don't, i'm saying to the best of my knowledge english is not a highly taught language among the common peoples of these nations) and i heard everywhere that i was a 'terrorist' and new the definition of that word in my own native tongue i would wonder why i was being called that and why the people invading my country were trying to say they were the saviours. I would think i might be quite confused. In addition, how easy would that be for a media group to corrupt such sayings from our governments that say such things, so easily turned into rage against the very people who are saying they are trying to help. just a thought...
We all notice and know how corrupted our media delivers the news. Certain stations are liberalistic in their coverage while others come from a more conservative standpoint while others seem to try and bring a balance of what the real news is, yet, with our society the way it is and the gov'ts of the western world operating as they are we know that our news is not clean of corruption. (i'm not saying to throw out the news, however you need to, as with any 'knowledge' have discernment as to what you jump on and believe right away) So, if ours over here is like that, what on earth are those people in the 'terrorist laiden countries' hearing on the news?
As good intentioned as some people, nations, leaders may be, I have this feelling to the people of these countries they come across harsher and more criminalistic than the current corrupt leaders, guerilla groups etc...
But, before i start talking about things i don't know, which i probably already have done to much of, i should shut my mouth and ....or....stop typing cause i know not what either of these groups real intentions are, nor do i think any of us do.

in other news, i myself these days am feeling not quite as 'frazzled' as my last post most likely made me appear. I am farely level headed, realizing that happiness is not completely about where you are or what you are doing, but it's 100% about how you as a person, inside, with your connection to a God that keeps us alive, are feeling. I've noticed time and time again that 2 or 3 days without spending time talking to God, getting His imput into my life, reading His word and spending time just meditating on His purposes and His thoughts for my life, im' ok for. I'm ok for 2 or 3 days..but anything more than that i will quickly notice how much focus i much worry and resentment for my current surroundings i get. I know that when i'm not keeping my eyes focused on God i can become a very cranky, depressed, worrisome person. Makes me realize why there are so many cranky, depressed, worrisome people in this world. The guy walking down the street that yells at you cause you look at him the wrong way. Has he ever taken time to sit, relax and talk to God? there's a chance he hasn't, so where's his peace come from?... Sure God works in all people, blesses those who are followers of Him or not, and i believe there is also grace for those who have not yet heard or have not yet come to the point of meeting God, AND that He does talk to them in ways they don't realize. However, there is no constant flow or relationship, and that's where life becomes to make more sense, show more colour, bring more life, and reveal your destiny, is in that place of relationship with God. So why do we not spend time getting to know him everyday? oh i'm busy. but man if i could just truly realize and begin to make that time, take that time to pursue that relationship, how would life grow, how would my life change?
Relationship is hard, ever have a friend you just had to work at to love somedays? God doesn't usually give us the same kind of reasons that we get from our friends to hate them for a day or get us angry at them, but we do get angry with God, or miss days we spend with him because of business, work, travel, etc... My relationship with God is going to look completely different than anyone elses, that's why books on 'relationship with God' are hard to read because it won't ever be the same for everyone. Sure there are 'relational success principles' that every relationship holds, but in it's interesting quirks and funny little happenings that all relationships have, there is going to be a very profound difference. I know my brother different than my sister knows my brother, You know your dad in a different way that i would if i met him (given someone actually reads this and says..."oh yah"). so why do we think that relationship with God is simply "read your bible, pray, go to church"...that's not relationship, relationship is finishing each other's sentances (ever have a friend like that, it can get hilarious), it's knowing how they think, knowing how they love, hate, learn, grow, sing, dance, laugh etc... being in relationship with someone (i'm talking purely friendship here from experience) is knowing so much about them that you practically know what they are thinking almost all of the time. I've never been in a 'relationship' (of the male/female variety), sure i had a girlfriend once (oh so long ago). But my guess, that being in that type of relationship, where physical and even a deeper sense of emotional connection is had, a relationship means so much more than what i've described it as.
So what level of relationship is Human -'s spirit to spirit, which is far beyond Human - Human. I know i have only scratched the surface of relationship with God, i konw there is more to be had in a relationship with my Heavenly Father than i probably will ever know. That's why we have all of eternity to get it right. if we only knew and could tap into that now, geez we'd be perfect wouldn't we lol....

All of that to say, it's very easy to see why somedays i wake up and have a harder time with my life and my current situation than others, and why leaving this place seems like such a good idea some days, and other days i know it's just not what i'm supposed to do. It's easy to see why other days i wake up and feel completely secure about who i am, and why other days i wake up and want to cry. Relationship with a God that holds the whole universe together in His very capable hands is the key. Hoorah for realizing something we already realize inside, just spend far to little a time actually doing.

Here's a messag worth hearing...

"keep your chins up, because life is worth living, there's a God worth knowing and He thinks the same of you...There's a destiny higher and farther than any of us have dreamed and it's available for all of us..."

"Remember, fear is just a lie you have either forgotten the truth of, or haven't realized yet."

-Robert Moses Augi-