Thursday, April 28, 2005


Well, as much fun as getting boots stuck in the mud, and socks dirty...(which was quite memorable) fact..probably one of the most traumatic times of my younger life i think. I was so emotional that and much fun...

so, avril lavigne huh?!?..oh wait..i already covered that. Yah, i like her music. the whole "i'd marry that girl in a second"..well obviously i probably wouldn't seeing as though she's..uhh..i dunno..i have no idea where she is..

i had something to say, but i think i forgot it for now..

ok, get this..
Nvidia just came out with a 6800 Ultra 512mb video card. stand alone price... 999.00 USD.
That thing is rediculous. 33.6gb/sec data processing...absolutely disgusting that i want one so bad. It will be interesting to see how quickly ATI retaliates and releases a 512mb Radeon card. Cause that's a pretty good jump ahead for right now. First one to reach 512...step back..

Then (and this has been out for a bit now, but still...pretty tasty) Creative has their new line of SoundBlaster Audigy sound cards out. Sure the line only consists of 1 card right now, which is the Audigy 4 PRO. 7.1 surround sound capability (which doesn't do much when audio is currently only produced for movies at 5.1 and as far as i know games haven't hit 6.1 or 7.1 in their audio configurations either. So, having 7.1 capability as much as it's a grand thought, not all that grand at all. However, the fact that the card has the card that is accessable in the back and a stand alone interface as well, with (and this is the tasty part) 2 x Firewire ports. so, i buy a computer, 999.00 video card, brand new 7.1 audio card and 2gig ram of course, a couple 400gb hard drives, 2 x 23" hard drives and get myself a nice little audio I/O device (something like the motu 896) and then i've got work and play in one fantastic bundle.

I wonder at this ...for audio work (studio quality) everyone is going with mac, it's industry standard. mostly for the stability, and because it's been the standard for so long that some of the audio companies only make the software available for macs. I can't see a HUGE difference in the capabilities of both. Sure, macs are nice, a beasty g5 dual 2.7ghz with 30" cinema display would kick ass..and tiger just looks like it's going to rip apart windows...not that panther didn't already. But there's been this defining line that's put PC's out of the audio industry, when personally i don't know there's a whole huge amount of benefit doing that.. dual processors might be nice, but you can dual some xeon's if you want...and save some money along the way.
Another thing that gets to me. And if anyone has the answer feel free to relay it to me. Apple always puts video cards that just aren't up to par as far as i'm concerned.

well, talking out of my ass has inspired me to find off i to ya...


beth said...

you lost me after the avril lavigne part.

have a happy day,

CanuckJack said...

Don't forget about the new badass alienware cases: