Thursday, August 25, 2005

promises, promises, promises...

No matter how many times I promise to blog more often then i have been, i let myself down, and anyone that would actually read this. HOWEVER, because i don't think that i've ever actually said that in any of my blogs, i'm safe. I'm pretty sure all that i've ever done is mention "oh i'm sorry i haven't blogged for a while.

so, here's the beginning of yet another eventful day...and yes, you guessed it. I'm sorry i haven't blogged in what seems decades. Now that i think of it, i'm not really sorry to anyone, other than myself. Not having blogged could mean a series of different things.
One - I'm to busy to blog... This is a lie! I am deffinitely not to busy to blog.
Two - I'm not thinking... This is also a lie! One could guess that if someone isn't blogging, they have nothing to say. not so true, i think, if i sat own and thought, i would have something to say, whether it be clever or not, i would deffinitely come up with something to say ... (for instance...check out blog from August 25th, 2005 (yes that's today)...the beginning is all about 'why the idiot that writes that blog, never blogs. lame)
Three - I'm processing my thoughts so well, and talking them out in some other medium, that this blog is no longer useful. This is a half - lie. i sat down to blog a few weeks ago, right after i had just been writing. So most of my thoughts were on paper, and i realized i had no thoughts to blog about, cause i had just processed them. Again. the lie part would be i can remember this happening 1 time this year. So, i'd have to give #3 a big ol' "lie".
Four - I'm to good for blogging. This is a lie! Nobody is to good for the blog. oh sure it's become a fad, even a dirty trend. Anybody and Everybody has a blog. I even saw a news article the other day stating people making money off of their blogs because corporations are turning to blogs for what is reality instead of surveying.
*** TOPIC ***
And it hits me, like a ton of bricks. I JUST HAD A THOUGHT. put that together with sitting at my computer AND having wireless access in the Air Canada Maple Leaf Lounge (were important people like my friends go and i blindly follow because, well, what do you think, i'm not about to go sit on those hard metal seats when i can lounge it out would i...exactly). So, 1+1+2 = 5. don't ask me how, it just does. And some odd mathematician somewhere could no doubt back me up on that.
OK, that very statement i made at the end of 'point #4'. The article i saw on corporations turning to blogs to get information. Isn't that weird how what is often times used as a place to vent about current affairs, personal insight, angst towards the world etc, is now used to 'help' the very thing the blog set out to discredit in the first place. Is it a new age of the consumer having a say, or the corporations jsut getting craftier in their ways of 'duping' the average shopper, consumer, home-owner, bank account holder etc.
Business has been really warping my thinking these days. Simply because it seems that no one is out to help anyone. It's a cut throat, dog-eat-dog, mine first back the fuck off... kind of world. Take banks for instance. think of how much money banks of our money. first of all that's a dirty system. paying someone to hold something i don't feel like i have enough of in the first place. THEN, they go the next step and offer you more of what you don't have, so that you can spend 'their' money and like a good friend you'll just pay it back. THEN, when it's time to lend a helping hand becasue you actually want to try and sort your life out.
I have credit card debt (find someone who doesn't...they're around, but few and far between). I've been trying to get a loan from my bank so that i don't have to continue with the dirty high interest rates of credit cards. I'd like to "Consolidate" my loans. This is something banks are always advertising, and always wanting to offer you. So, i call my bank and ask if i can get a loan. Comes back i can't, something from my credit report. I go to and order my credit report. Nothing wrong with it, no bad information, just a list of my debts, oh sure they have listed that i'm still working at a place i quit almost a year ago, and living at a house i haven't lived at in 7 months. But that's the company that banks go to for my financial information. They should probably do their job and update me. ***sidenote*** to update your equifax profile you have to have 2 utility bills and ur drivers liscense in your current address. Well i haven't had a place to live for 7 months so that makes things intersting.
oh, btw...i do now have a place to live. so soon enough i can actually update my profile with equifax. did i start talking about all this stuff..i swear i had something important to blog about.
so i call my bank back and ask them to go into detail further how i might obtain a loan. The lady on the phone explains it to me, asks me some questions and says "as far as i can tell you should be able to get a loan". "well try it," i says. "sorry sir, but your credit ratio is to high. we require a 42% or less and yours is 47%". I'm not going to explain what that all means, because i simply don't want tot try and explain it. And no one wants to read that, or i don't want to write about it.
So i call back a week later thniking "i need a final decision about what my bank will do for me"
i ask this "i would like to consolidate my current debt into one of your loans."
long story short. They take my current debt, and ADD what i'm asking for, to figure out what kind of risk i am. What kind of debt consolidation is that. doesn't even make sense. the whole point is th get rid of your current debt. Then the person i'm talking to that day has the idiocy to say "well sir, if you had less debt we could give you a loan". "I WOULDN'T BE CALLING IF I HAD LESS DEBT"...

and that's what i end with.

I wouldn't call, if i had nothing to say...


CanuckJack said...

Uhhh, I don't have any credit card debt. Plenty of other kinds, but no credit card debt.

I've often said that the best businessmen are real assholes. Take Donald Trump, real asshole, don't think you'd like working for him. But look at what it's accomplished for him....I love it, wish I could have that same "fuck you and you're little dog I'm here to make money" attitude...but I don't.

Anonymous said...

i'm convinced that organizations have built in stupidity... a debt consolidation loan should take into account the fact that the monthly payment will actually be MORE managable for you than the current payments... but you see, through their policies and such, the banks take the power out of the hands of those who can actually help you... it's ridiculous...

Anonymous said...

Time to Blog again my friend - where are you?????