Monday, December 27, 2004

Christmas Eve, Christmas, Boxing Day

I didn't go to mass...did you?!?
maybe we should go next year...who knows..might be a kickin' time that i've missed for the last 22 years of my life..that would suck wouldn't it..find out that Christmas mass is kickin'...i's gotta be's one of the 2 times a year most people go to church (the other being easter...)

ahh...the day Jesus was born...or a pagan holiday the christian church stole..i'm not sure..they say alot of things these days...
i heard this the other day....get's hilarious..
so, theree's the whole st. nicholas thing right..guy a long time ago that gave out presents..then 200 years ago someone writes 'twas the night before christmas' ....officially starting the snowball effect of what we now know as santa, in that classic christmas eve type poem, there's no rudolf....well guess who invented rudolf..
a freakin Department Store (not sure which one..but think walmart...just cause)..isn't that about capitolism to it's highest form...inventing rudolf..who has become such a HUGE ploy for making money smart...almost as good as the teletubbies lol

here's my thought on wireless controllers for the playstation 2....KICKS ASS....amazing...ur sitting like...clear across the room...playin, no worries...and no wires...oh sweet

i have a troubled mind my thoughts are all jumbled....writing is taking to much effort...

1 comment:

Linda Hope said...

Hey Robster...WHERE'S MY UPDATE!! Something from this year would be nice!!!! I love reading your posts (when i have the luxury of getting to them) so WRITE...PLEASE!!! :o)