Monday, December 27, 2004

Christmas Eve, Christmas, Boxing Day

I didn't go to mass...did you?!?
maybe we should go next year...who knows..might be a kickin' time that i've missed for the last 22 years of my life..that would suck wouldn't it..find out that Christmas mass is kickin'...i's gotta be's one of the 2 times a year most people go to church (the other being easter...)

ahh...the day Jesus was born...or a pagan holiday the christian church stole..i'm not sure..they say alot of things these days...
i heard this the other day....get's hilarious..
so, theree's the whole st. nicholas thing right..guy a long time ago that gave out presents..then 200 years ago someone writes 'twas the night before christmas' ....officially starting the snowball effect of what we now know as santa, in that classic christmas eve type poem, there's no rudolf....well guess who invented rudolf..
a freakin Department Store (not sure which one..but think walmart...just cause)..isn't that about capitolism to it's highest form...inventing rudolf..who has become such a HUGE ploy for making money smart...almost as good as the teletubbies lol

here's my thought on wireless controllers for the playstation 2....KICKS ASS....amazing...ur sitting like...clear across the room...playin, no worries...and no wires...oh sweet

i have a troubled mind my thoughts are all jumbled....writing is taking to much effort...

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


Holy Crap for Crap....
November 1st...why didn't anyone tell me...geez..i'm a maroon..

so i got a few things i'm pretty happy about...first of all, Rogers (the company) signed this odd deal with to bring the customers of Rogers a better deal of some sort. Well all they really told us was "hey, we've teamed up with Yahoo to make your service better..." i says, sure whatever, they signed up with them cause it's gonna make them money right?..well true it is making them money i'm sure...but it's actually brought some pretty kewl things my way. Take for instance the fact that i'm the person that signed up for Rogers in my household...5 room mates and i'm actually the only one with a email address, no one else said they wanted one so whatever..i didn't care...well, since my computer got stolen (yes stolen..i'm sure i mentioned that a while back..check around the 'august 15th' area of this blog) i haven't had a computer i can set up Microsoft Outlook to receive my mail too..and quite frankly the rogers web interface for emailing having signed up with yahoo, rogers adopted the 'yahoo mail' interface, and i'm guessing they've upgraded that with yahoo cause it's great... i have access to all the kewl 'online' without an email program's greatness that yahoo has learned over the past years being a free email that's fantastic..i'm really happy about that..makes life a whole lot easier...
now here's the added messenger, i can sign on with my rogers account...and if i'm logged on it keeps me informed about incoming email (much like msn messenger does with hotmail email accounts)... but of the kewlest points to this company 'merge' is that yahoo has this 'launchcast' thing they have...guess it used to be called launch..and then yahoo bought it out can sign up for a free account and customize a radio station for works on a 'rating' rate the current song ur listening to...rate genres of music you like eventually...after rating much, your station plays alot of what you like..most of what u like actually..which is great cause there's no radio station out there that plays the punk rock i like, and i just odn't have the money to buy CD's right now... well, with this 'launchcast' radio station you can listen to low quality (for suckers that have only dial up and can't afford the bandwidth) and then medium and high..well high is only usable if you pay...less than 3.00 a month if you purchase this feature for a whole year..but ...i don't wanna pay...screw i didn't..i just left it at medium..the music echo's a little and it's bad quality...
well, to my suprise one day i'm signed into my rogers email acct..and head over to start my radio station (on my free account that i've spent a year customizing to have good tunes all the time..) and it automatically signs me into my rogers acct...and tells me i'm subscribed to "launchcast+ plus) which means i get high quality music...and i get all the radio stations launchcast offers..not just the few they give you when ur a 'free member' that i'm trying to get my new radio station as good as my old one...lost of rating to go lol...

home for the holidays is damn good..damn good i say...spendin' lots of time with my family, getting reaquainted with my nephews (yes, when you live out of town and can't see them often, it's sometimes hard for the little ones just over or just under a year old to exactly remember who you are..).. it's hard, when my one little nephew looks at me, (a year and a half almost now) and starts to cry cause he doesn't know who i am...that's hard..the other little nephew (8 months now) not the same thing..smiles at me often..until i touch him...then he kinda turns his head and ..well...that's rough...i love these guys soo much...with everything in me..kills me everyday i don't get to see them, my niece..somehow we just got the most love for each other..she hear's my voice and comes runnin, see's me at the door, comes running..i love that..she's an angel...
the other part that's hard beein' home for the holidays, is not being able to afford presents...i mean..sure quitting my job was my choice..but i haven't gotten people proper gifts in three years...and i LOVE giving christmas gifts... couldn't care about how much it long as i know they will like it..i mean..i guess in some ways it's with my niece...i never came home with ..she never expects anything but me...cause that's all i our relationship is built on me loving her and her loving me..not that i think she would ever love me just for my gifts lol..but i think it's kinda kewl...i remember going to my aunts house kinda wondering all the time if she had somethign for me...or her coming over and me wondering if she was bringing something for me...don't get me wrong..i wanna spoil her rotten...but that's just not in the cards now is it...not right now anyways..someday i'll be the rich uncle..hopefully..
now, to probably the killer of the holidays...being alone...damn..i dread christmas sometimes cause i'm sitting there with my and dad...bro and sister in law...sister and bro in law...and me and my girlfriend..or me and my fiance'..or me and the girl that's gonna be my girlfriend..etc..ya know what i's just me...that get's damn annoying.. what can i say..i'm a lonely man...sure i'm still young...but single for as long as i have's just getting too much somedays...

well, there's my is is is all about my Lord...whoa..a little rhyme for y'all...kickin' it christmas style is what i'll call it